



 18 May 2023

Back Room Colburn Village Hall



Parish Councillors     Colin Mincher CM Chair, Chris Austin Vice Chair CA   

                                  Angie Dale AD       


County Councillor:    Carl Les CL


Public:  None


Clerk:   Susan McNabb SM                   


Colin welcomed all present to the meeting:



   Nav Di Smith


2 Declarations of Interest

   CM – Collier Hill


3 Open Forum


 Report by member of public – new perpex needed for window – repair to be


 Same member of the public requested intervention by PC with Trustgreen –

 this is not possible as the land in unadopted.


4 It was agreed that amendment to time allowable for speakers at open forum is 5 mins per person maximum time for forum 15 minutes.



5 Minutes of the last meeting were agreed.


     6 Matters Arising from last meeting

  6.1 BMX Park- resolved not suitable for the area CM & AD declared Interests

  6.2 Litter picks – continue Polling on Social Media and Notice Boards

  6.3 Parking issues Frobisher/Beecherstowe Drive clerk to contact Highways

        and copy in Carl. CA declared an interest.

  6.4 It was agreed that the Play Park at Beecherstowe Drive will remain, this

        area is also unadopted.

6.5 Confirmation from Highways that the gates at St Giles Farm is not a Bridle


6.6 CA to research the mounting of map – for notice board at Cookson Way

6.7 Parish Defib it was agreed that clerk contact Colburn Town Council

      for the contact details for the Ambulance service to assess the need and

      positioning of Defib requirement.

6.8 Lamps all in working order.

6.9 Parish Polls to be carried out as and when required.

6.10 HGV parking in Bay at Cookson Way – action no longer required

6.11 Free Heart start course – Chris will lead on this and make arrangements

        with his contact, to include Colburn Parishioners, venue Colburn Village










7. Reports


7.1      Police report had been distributed to Councillor’s prior to the meeting


7.2 County Council      


     Transition going well.

     Call Centres understaffed at present, this will be addressed.

     Community Awards are posted on the North Yorkshire Website

     Scams are being notified to Parishes from the Community Police

     Electric vehicles are increasing and charging ports are being increased

     Although CA is not on a planning committee he is willing to represent

     Parishes in the Ward and speak to Planning Officers, where necessary.




8  Planning


    All planning issues received had been dealt with





New dog bin for North of the Parish was ordered in April 2023

Councillors agreed to adopt the Code of Conduct from Democratic Services

North Yorkshire Councils.


CM reported that the overview presented by Anthony Bingham was really informative

Councillors were provided with notes of the presentation.


Councillors have been invited to the opening in June 2023.


No response to the following from the public:

Speed trigger Training, Neighbourhood watch or Litter Picking notices will be left on facebook page on Notice Board.


Bulbs to be planted 174.00 from RDC Clerk requested by AD to inform Councillors if any amounts left over from the Bench Project to add to the above amount.


Councillors agreed to a figure for the purchase of a new lap top £1000.00






Parish Finances


The Clerk had forwarded the Monthly balances prior to the meeting

Councillors agreed the invoices for payment.